
Swathes of Awards for Durrell

We are delighted to have received a whole host of awards recently, recognising the conservation work we do, both at Jersey Zoo and in the wild.

At the Jersey Style Awards, a prestigious red-carpet event that took place on Thursday 28th June, we were thrilled to see Jersey Zoo win Visitor Attraction of the Year for the second year running.

At the Insurance Corporation Conservation Awards, our project to restore red-billed choughs to Jersey through Birds On The Edge won the Best Conservation Project. The prize money for this collaborative entry between Durrell and Ronez will go towards improving facilities for visiting school groups, providing children’s binoculars and ID information, which will allow them to see a conservation project in action.

At the same event, Jersey Zoo’s Education Officer, Sarah Maguire, who also works at the Jersey Biodiversity Centre, won the Best Conservationist prize, and also the People’s Choice Award for Bioblitz Jersey, voted for by the general public.

At the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA) annual awards ceremony, which took place in Devon earlier this month, our work at Jersey Zoo was recognised in several categories.

Our new strategy ‘Rewild Our World’ won the only Gold Award in the PR, Marketing and Events Category and we also received a Bronze Award in the same category for ‘Durrell’s Underhogs’; a documentary made by Daniel Craven about our work with the world’s smallest pig.

The expanded Bat Tunnel was given a Silver Award in Behaviour and Welfare for improving the welfare of Livingstone’s fruit bats in captivity and our work with mountain chicken frogs received a Gold Award in the research category.

Recently, our CEO, Dr Lesley Dickie was awarded the Chairman’s Award for Excellence in Leadership at the Jersey Director of the Year Awards. This annual award, supported by the Institute of Directors in Jersey, celebrated exceptional leaders across the private, public and volunteer sectors.