We are rewilding the Dalnacardoch Estate in the Cairngorms National Park, Scotland, over the next 100 years.
This is a unique and exciting opportunity to restore a large estate in Scotland to a wild and diverse landscape.
Our long-term vision for this project is to breathe life back into this land by restoring habitats and ecological processes, recovering iconic missing species and rebuilding a strong, emotional connection between people and the environment.
This marks a real step change for Durrell and is an incredible opportunity to apply our proven techniques in saving species and reviving ecosystems, as well as to demonstrate conservation in action, closer to home.

year long mission
estate size

Our vision
We have a long-term vision to revive the estate by restoring habitats and ecological processes, as well as recovering iconic missing species.
Our approach combines hands-on species management with habitat restoration whilst also working alongside local communities and training conservationists.
We will leverage our extensive international species reintroduction and land management experience to rebuild an intact piece of Scottish uplands, where people can reconnect with our native biodiversity and immerse themselves in the land as it should be – a home for people and wildlife.

Work already underway
We are undertaking significant ecological audits of the site, to establish the site's geography, species and habitats.
These surveys will be ongoing and continue to inform the long-term strategic vision for rewilding the estate in line with the interests of the wider community and the requirements of being in a national park.
We have also been engaging with neighbouring estates and potential partners, to allow this to be a collaborative project for the community.
It is with thanks to the generosity of a Family Foundation, and the support of the Trustees of the Family Trust, that we are able to undertake this rewilding project.