During term-time and within school hours (09:30-16:00, Monday-Friday), schools registered on the gov.je website and groups organised by the Jersey Association of Home Educators (JAHE) receive free entry for reception students upwards. Outside these hours, normal group bookings and admissions apply.
Thanks to our sponsors, registered schools and JAHE organised groups can also receive free, taught sessions for their students from reception upwards from our pre-set Taught Sessions Menu. Other tailored activities can be arranged at the group teaching rate of £330 per day/£165 per half day.
To book your school visit please fill out our enquiry form.
Registered schools are allowed two free entries to conduct a risk assessment, i.e. one teaching staff per visit, up to twice per school year (September - July). Please book your risk assessment visit in advance.
Adults within the recommended ratio for trips (see Terms and Conditions) are granted free entry with their group. Normal admission rates apply to any extra adults over this ratio.
One-to-one support staff are permitted in with the school group, providing they are a trained assistant, an education support team member (EST) or a well-being team member (WBT). If a medical assistant is required, a parent may act as a one-to-one. One-to-one support staff do not count in the general ratio of the group.
Nursery Groups (private and public)
Under 3s receive free entry to the zoo; normal group admissions apply for all other ages.
Book your school visit